COVID-19 Resources
Welcome to the Arizona Community Engagement Alliance (CEAL) Resources page, which includes the latest COVID-19 and Long COVID information, data, vaccine recommendations, testing information, and more. Our goal is to make it easier for Arizonans to find current, relevant data specific to their families and circumstances so they can make informed health decisions.

Arizona COVID-19 & Long COVID Resources
Arizona Department of Health Services COVID-19 Home Page
The homepage for Arizona’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic includes the latest data, announcements, vaccine locations, and guidance for residents, healthcare providers, and schools.
Arizona Department of Health Services COVID-19 Vaccine Finder Map
This interactive map highlights facilities and providers offering COVID-19 vaccines in Arizona. Enter your address or zip code, or click a location on the map to find providers near you.
Arizona Department of Health Services Testing Sites ADHS
This interactive map highlights COVID-19 testing sites, hours of operation, and registration information for testing sites throughout the state of Arizona. Enter your address or zip code, or click a location on the map to find testing sites near you.
Arizona Department of Health Services COVID-19 Data Dashboard ADHS
Arizona’s COVID-19 Data Dashboard details data recorded since the beginning of the pandemic, including cases, deaths, hospitalizations, vaccine doses administered, and more. Data can also be broken out by county and demographically.
COVID Latino
Learn about an award-winning health communications campaign providing culturally-tailored science-based COVID-19 information for Latinos.
Researchers from the University of Arizona are leading a statewide effort to study the long-term effects of COVID-19 as part of the National Institute of Health’s Researching COVID to Enhance Recovery (RECOVER) initiative. This U of A page explains the program in further detail.
2-1-1 Arizona
2-1-1 is Arizona’s information and Referral Services program. 2-1-1 links individuals and families to vital community services in their time of need.
United States COVID-19 & Long COVID Resources
Community Engagement Alliance (CEAL)
The homepage for the National Institutes of Health Community Engagement Alliance (CEAL) provides COVID-19 resources and information, and highlights the work of the 21 national CEAL teams and more than 1,000 community partners and projects.
CDC Long COVID Landing Page
Some people have lingering symptoms after a COVID infection. Get the latest information on Post-COVID Conditions (PCC) and Long COVID from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.
CDC COVID-19 Landing Page
The COVID-19 homepage for the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) includes data about hospitalizations, deaths, and vaccination rates across the U.S., and the agency’s latest guidance on treatments and medications, vaccines, testing, treatment, masks, and more.
CDC Overview of COVID-19 Vaccines
Get a current and comprehensive overview of the types of COVID-19 vaccines available in the U.S., and information and guidance about the administration of vaccines, safety, efficacy, adverse events, and more.
CDC COVID Data Tracker: Vaccinations in the U.S.
The COVID-19 Data Tracker from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides maps, charts, and data highlighting vaccination coverage across the U.S. by type, state, age, and more.
CDC Caring for People with Long COVID
Caring for someone with Long COVID? The CDC provides guidance and resources to help caregivers take better care of themselves and the people they are supporting.
CDC Patient Tips: Discussing Post-COVID Conditions with a Healthcare Provider
Learn more about how to prepare for an appointment with your healthcare provider to discuss your Post-COVID Conditions and help inform decisions and find solutions.
RECOVER: Researching COVID to Enhance Recovery
Visit the main page for the RECOVER initiative from the National Institutes of Health and learn how the research project (and people involved) are helping to find answers about Post-COVID Conditions.
Articles Published by the Arizona AC3 CEAL Team
Frontiers in Public Health
Jiménez, Dulce J., Gomez, O., Meraz, R., Pollitt, A., Evans, L., Lee, N., Ignacio, M., Garcia, K., Redondo, R., Redondo, F., Williamson, H.J., Oesterle, S., Parthasarathy, S., and Sabo, S. 2023. Community Engagement Alliance (CEAL) against COVID-19 disparities: Academic-community partnership to support workforce capacity building among Arizona community health workers. Frontiers in Public Health, 11,
Journal of Behavioral Medicine
Ignacio, M., Oesterle, S., Mercado, M., Carver, A., Lopez, G., Wolfersteig, W., Ayers, S., Ki, S., Hamm, K., Parthasarathy, S., Berryhill, A., Evans, L., Sabo, S., Doubeni, C. (2022). Narratives from African-American/Black, American Indian/Alaska Native, and Hispanic/Latinx community members in Arizona on COVID-19 vaccines and vaccination uptake. Journal of Behavioral Medicine. doi: 10.1007/s10865-022-00300-x